Saturday, October 30, 2010

Playing with Layers

I am trying to learn how to create more texture in my photos by adding edges and layers. I went to a site called Cottage Arts, and purchased some interesting layers called "blends" to add to my photos. My goal is to make my photos look like they are photo transfers. I want nice edges and textures that give a vintage feel. I purchased some layers and have been playing with them in Photoshop Elements.

Here is a before using a photo of green onions from the Farmer's Market in Boulder, Colorado:

And here is the after, which includes Image number 10 from Photo Arts Blends 2:

Here is an example using a lighter photo to begin with, this is a doorway in Charleston, SC:

And here is the one with a Blend number 13 from the same set:

I am going to be experimenting much more with these types of layers. It is fun to see the possibilities in using these layers not only for my blog posts, but also in my collage work.

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