Thursday, January 6, 2011

50 by 50 Week 1

I am starting a new project. This year, in May, will be my 50th birthday. Therefore it seems an appropriate time to look over my life, appreciate the past and the lessons learned, and to bring that wisdom into the beginning of the second half century.

I have decided to create a postcard each week for 50 weeks from my "higher self", my "wise woman", Artemis. Several years ago, while at a Life Coaching training, I took part in a guided meditation. In this meditation I met my higher self who introduced herself as Artemis. I visit her often, especially when I need to access that part of myself that knows how to strip away the unnecessary from the truth, or when I am trying to make a difficult decision.

You may click on the photos to make them larger.

After 50 years I find myself following similar patterns in my thoughts. I have gradually become more aware of my thoughts and am often able to stop myself from heading along particularly destructive thought paths, but I still have a way to go before I am fully conscious of my thought patterns. I know that thoughts create words, which create actions, which then create my life as I experience it. So, theoretically, if I change my thoughts, then my life will change. Habits though, are sometimes difficult to break. But, not impossible...... I have seen positive results over the last few years. I have changed my thoughts of complaining, blame and self pity, to ones of optimism, joy and serenity. I focus more on the present moment, than the past or future. As a result, I am happier and more content.

Here is to a new year and new thoughts which bring more joy and happiness!


  1. Very creative blog, I have become a follower, lovely opages and yes a simple life is the best.
    Cheers janet keen from new Zealand...

  2. This is my year of turning fifty as well. There is something very significant about this number.
    I have still so much I want to achieve. I want to be a famous new Zealand poet.
    I have decided to only surround myself with positive affirming people who support my dreams. I want my light to shine and I want others to as well.
    I believe in irradicating jealousy and competitiveness, there is plenty for all with abundant thinking.

  3. Great project! looking forward to getting to read all your posts.


  4. Wonderful and cheers to you on your endeavor!! Thanks for sharing with us and perhaps I'll learn along the way as well.

  5. I love the image of a higher self, for a long time I wrote under the pseudonym of Lola . . . she was very much my higher self. This past year I chose to begin to writing under my real name but sometimes I still miss Lola . . . I think maybe I will have her create something for me once a week. LOVE!

    Thanks for the suggestion that we list our blogs on MAIN what a great idea ~ so happy to read yours!
